Who We Are

 United Way of Johnson County describes the united way our community comes together to create social change and improve lives.  United Way partners with donors; nonprofit organizations; public policy makers at the local, state and national levels; community leaders; and area businesses; to address the challenges we face as a community.  Together, we support a vision of a strong, supportive, safe and healthy community.

Building on our knowledge, credibility and historic leadership of service, our United Way is helping lead a community effort over the next 9 years that will create both stronger and more comprehensive support systems in the priority areas of education, income and health – ensuring that children and families have the support systems and services that will allow young people to succeed in school and be prepared for life; that individuals and families are financial stable and self-sufficient; and that everyone has access to mental, physical and dental care, and ability to make healthy choices in behaviors and relationships.

We know that large-scale problems, such as homelessness, access to affordable health care, being ready to learn at school, families in financial crisis, and affordable housing cannot be solved by a single organization. Finding solutions to these challenges requires the coordinated effort of our entire community. This is where United Way of Johnson County provides the leadership as a convener and catalyst to help our partners – to help our community -- make lasting changes that improve lives.

Click here to get the 2010 Community Assessment Indicators report.

Please click the graphic below to read an overview of the research that was completed in 2010, addresssing the needs in our community.